Have Your Say
General Feedback
Old Beach Foreshore Track – Consultation 7th March 2025 – 28th March 2025
Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan - Stage 2 Consultation - 27th February to 20th March 2025 - NOW OPEN
Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan - 1st Round Public Consultation - CLOSED
Sorell Street Master Plan - Consultation 1st November to 29th November 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Join Us In Making Brighton More LGBTIQA+ Inclusive - Consultation 19 October 2024 to 28 February 2025 - NOW CLOSED
Brighton Activity Centre Strategy - Consultation 21st October 2024 to 6th November 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Sorell Street Master Plan - Consultation 17th July 2024 to 9th August 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Old Beach Foreshore Track – Consultation 10 July – 9 August 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Park Areas in Bridgewater West - Local Community Survey - 11 July to 6 August 2024 - NOW CLOSED
NEW Greening Brighton Strategy (2024-2033) - Community Feedback - 28 June to 26 July 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Draft Brighton Community Volunteer Strategy - Community Feedback - 23 May to 20 June 2024 - NOW CLOSED
Draft Derwent River Foreshore Coastal Hazards Report 2023 - Community Consultation - 21 October to 21 November 2023 - NOW CLOSED
Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Master Plan - Community Consultation - 28th August to 25th September 2023 **Extended until 2nd October 2023** - NOW ENDORSED
Draft Brighton Natural Resource Management Strategy - 27 April to 17 July 2023 - NOW CLOSED
Draft Brighton Council Strategic Plan 2023-2033 - Community Feedback - 23 February to 15 March 2023 - NOW CLOSED
Brighton Council's Social Infrastructure Plan - Community Consultation - 31 January to 3 March 2023 - NOW CLOSED
Old Beach Zoning Review Report - Community Consultation - February 2023 - NOW CLOSED
Gateway to Brighton Hub (Industrial Estate) - Draft Master Plan & Landscaping Consultation - October 2022
Street Tree Planting Project - Eddington Street, Bridgewater - Community Feedback - June 2022 - NOW CLOSED
South Brighton Master Plan - Final Draft - September 2022
Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority - Community Submissions Invited - 17 April 2022 - NOW CLOSED
Community Survey: Primary Health Care Services in the Brighton Municipality - Open Until 25 March 2022 - NOW CLOSED
Ted Jeffries Memorial Park (Seymour St) - Master Plan - Open for Public Comment - December 2021 - NOW CLOSED
Residential Use in the Agriculture Zone - Draft Policy - Open for Public Comment - November 2021 - NOW CLOSED
Review of Mobile Food Vendor Policy - Open for Public Comment - 1 to 21 August 2021 - NOW CLOSED
Cris Fitzpatrick Park - Draft Master Plan - Community Feedback Form - April 2021- NOW CLOSED
Community Survey - FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) - March 2021 - NOW CLOSED
Review of Dog Management Policy - AMENDMENT - Intention to Declare Areas - NOW CLOSED
Andrew Street, Brighton - Improvement Plans - Local Community Survey - NOW CLOSED
Review of Dog Management Policy - Stage 2 Community Engagement - Intention to Declare Areas - NOW CLOSED
Cris Fitzpatrick Park - Local Community Survey - NOW CLOSED
Brighton 2050 Vision Survey - NOW CLOSED
Brighton Industrial Estate - Brand & Place Vision Survey - NOW CLOSED
Review of Dog Management Policy - Stage 1 Community Engagement - NOW CLOSED
Draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy - Community Consultation - NOW CLOSED
Community Survey 2018 - NOW CLOSED
We value the feedback from our ratepayers to help make Brighton a better place to live, visit and enjoy.
If you have any feedback for Council please email admin@brighton.tas.gov.au so that it can be sent to the relevant department.
The Brighton Council have prepared a design plan for a new walking track in the Old Beach area. The track design is a response to the consultation and studies conducted in 2024.
We now ask for your feedback on this design.
The track is mostly along the River Derwent foreshore with some sections within the St Anns Living precinct, East Derwent Highway, Clarries Creek and Blackstone Drive.
A copy of the concept design can be access here.
The investigation area is divided into four (4) stages:
- St Ann’s Living to Compton Road
- Compton Road to Blackstone Drive
- Blackstone Drive to Morrisby Road
- Morrisby Road to Jetty Road/Old Beach pontoon “Ferry Point”
Please note. The 4th stage Morrisby Road to Jetty Road/Old Beach pontoon “Ferry Point” is not included in this design. This area is subject to further studies, design and consultation.
Please find a copy of the Old Beach Track Feasibility and Consultation report here.
Further details on the project can be downloaded here.
We ask for your feedback on this proposal. Please email your feedback to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
Please respond by the 4.45pm on the 28th of March 2025
Brighton Council
Stage 2 Consultation – Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan
The first stage of consultation on the Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan concluded on 20 January 2025.
The consultation presented the initial findings from a series of investigations into the capability of the Boyer Road Precinct to accommodate future housing, and sought feedback from:
• The 6 landowners within the precinct;
• Surrounding landowners;
• The wider community; and
• Service providers.
The feedback received has been used to prepare a Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan & Infrastructure Framework, which details the investigations that have been undertaken to inform the future rezoning of the Precinct to support residential development, and a series of plans (including a Master Plan) to guide the future development of the land and associated infrastructure requirements.
You are now invited to provide your feedback on the Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan & Infrastructure Framework as part of the Stage 2 Consultation process.
The Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan & Infrastructure Framework, summary report (‘Report Snapshot’), supporting reports/ investigations, and draft Master Plan can be viewed below.
Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan Report (Excl. Appendix)
Appendix 1 – Landscape Report (Playstreet)
Appendix 2 – Natural Values Report (North Barker)
Appendix 3 – European Heritage Report (CHMA)
Appendix 4 – Bushfire Risk Analysis Report (Novaland)
Appendix 5 – Site Contamination Risk Report (ES&D)
Appendix 6 – Agricultural Land Assessment Report (Pinion)
Appendix 7 – Infrastructure Summary Report (Rare)
Appendix 8 – Traffic and Transport Report (Midson Traffic)
Appendix 9 – Brighton Estate & Glebe Hill Demographic Profile
Master Plan – Overview
Master Plan – Detail
Your comments can be provided via an online survey:
Or can be emailed to us at engagement@holmesdyer.com.au
Consultation is open from 9:00am Thursday 27th February 2025 until 5:00pm Thursday 20 March 2025.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Nitsan Taylor (Associate Director, Holmes Dyer) on (08) 7231 1889, or nitsan@holmesdyer.com.au
Your feedback will be used to inform the preparation of a Planning Scheme Amendment and Specific Area Plan to rezone a portion of the Boyer Road Precinct. You will have the chance to provide feedback on the Planning Scheme Amendment as part of a separate consultation process.
The Boyer Road Precinct comprises 6 parcels of privately owned land covering an area of 109 hectares – see map below. Approximately half of the land (52 hectares fronting Boyer Road) is zoned Future Urban, and the other half is zoned Landscape Conservation.
The Future Urban land within the Boyer Road Precinct has been identified as an area where future housing could occur, subject to a Planning Scheme Amendment to rezone the land to General Residential, and the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan to guide how the precinct will be developed.
Brighton Council have engaged Holmes Dyer to prepare a Precinct Structure Plan for the land and a future planning scheme amendment.
A Fact Sheet providing more information on the Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan process can be viewed here:
Consultation Update
The first round of consultation on the Boyer Road Precinct Structure Plan ran for 6 weeks between 9 December 2024 and 20 January 2025.
- A workshop was held on 9 December 2024 with the 6 owners of land within the Boyer Road Precinct.
- A Design by Enquiry workshop was held on 9 December 2024 with representatives from key infrastructure providers.
- A community drop-in session was held on 11 December 2024, which was attended by approximately 20 adjacent landowners and other community members with an interest in the precinct.
- An online survey seeking the views of the community on the Boyer Road Precinct received 37 responses:
- 68% of respondents live or own land near the Boyer Road Precinct
- 22% of respondents support the use of the Boyer Road Precinct for housing
- 46% of respondents do not support the use of the Boyer Road Precinct for housing
- 32% of respondents support with reservations the use of Boyer Road Precinct for housing.
- The top 4 features of the area that respondents would like to see retained were:
- Native vegetation and wildlife
- Less traffic than other areas
- Open landscape / farmland
- Character / feel of the area
- 4 written submissions were received via email from landowners within the vicinity of the Boyer Road Precinct.
Key matters / concerns raised:
- More housing is needed, but there needs to be a balance between housing and nature, with larger block sizes preferred.
- The Rural Living Zone is more appropriate than the General Neighbourhood Zone in this location.
- High density housing is not supported due to impacts on native vegetation and wildlife.
- The rezoning of the precinct for housing will result in an increase in crime, traffic, lack of privacy and noise.
- The rezoning of the precinct will change the rural character of the area and will disrupt the views of adjacent landowners to the east.
Second Round of Consultation – 27 February 2025 – 20 March 2025
- The feedback received from the first round of consultation is being used to develop a draft Precinct Structure Plan for the Boyer Road Precinct
- The Precinct Structure Plan will be released for consultation on 27 February 2025, together with an Investigations Report detailing the investigations and advice from sub-consultants that informed the Precinct Structure Plan.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Nitsan Taylor (Associate Director, Holmes Dyer) on (08) 7231 1889, or nitsan@holmesdyer.com.au.
Community Consultation for input into the Sorell Street Master Plan is now open.
The draft Sorell Street Master Plan has been updated following recent community feedback and has been endorsed by Council for public consultation.
The Masterplan arises from strategic assessments such as the Brighton Structure Plan 2018 and the Bridgewater Waterfront Master Plan, which have identified the project area suitable for infill development. Council has engaged Realm Studios to assist it in preparing a draft Master Plan for the Project area, shown in the image below:
Realm Studios have prepared the draft Sorell Street Masterplan, supported by reports including Traffic assessment, Aboriginal Heritage assessment and Natural Values. The Masterplan and supporting documents can be viewed here:
Draft Sorell Street Masterplan
Traffic Assessment – Hubble Traffic
Aboriginal Heritage Assessment – CHMA
Natural Values Assessment – North Barker
Have Your Say
You are invited to attend a drop-in session being held at the Brighton Civic Centre (25 Green Point Road, Bridgewater) on Wednesday 20th November 2024 between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. To book in a time to discuss the draft Masterplan in more detail, please telephone Jo Blackwell 62687041.
Alternatively, you can review the documents and make a submission until 29th November 2024 by email development@brighton.tas.gov.au
The Brighton Council is consulting with the LGBTIQA+ community to develop an action plan to help make the Brighton area a more welcoming and inclusive place for all.
Are you:
- Aged 14+ years.
- Live, work, go to school, visit, or used to live in the Brighton local government area. This includes the suburbs of Bridgewater, Brighton, Gagebrook, Herdsmans Cove, Old Beach, Pontville, Dromedary, Honeywood and Tea Tree.
- Identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual or use other words to describe a diverse sexuality or gender identity.
- Are a parent, carer, friend, or family member of an LGBTIQA+ person.
- Work with LGBTIQA+ people in the Brighton area.
We want to hear from you!
Tell us about what life is like in the Brighton area and what you would like to see the Council do to promote diversity and inclusion in your community. The survey will take about 15 minutes of your time.
Complete the survey here: LGBTIQA+ Community Survey
If you have any questions about the project please contact the researcher, Dr Ruby Grant at r.grant@latrobe.edu.au
You can also contact Brighton Council at admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or 03 6268 7000.
This study has been approved by the La Trobe University Human Research Ethics Committee (REF: HEC24383).
Brighton Activity Centre Strategy
As part of our ongoing efforts to shape the future of our activity centres in response to continued above-average population growth, we are developing an Activity Centre Strategy (‘Strategy’) to guide planning, economic development, and investment decisions for Brighton Council’s activity centres.
What are Activity Centres?
Activity centres are places where people go to shop, work, eat, play and meet. It can include places where you access key services such as government agencies, postal services, schools or health services. They are often described as community hubs or shopping centres.
An example of an activity centre is Green Point or Cove Hill in Bridgewater, or Brighton Road.
Why do we need a Strategy?
Brighton’s population has seen rapid growth in recent years, with an increasing number of young families, professionals, and retirees calling the area home. This changing demographic is reshaping the community’s needs and priorities, particularly in terms of services, amenities, and infrastructure. As we plan for the future, it is essential that our activity centres remain vibrant, accessible, and adaptable to these shifts, ensuring they continue to serve the diverse and evolving needs of our residents and local businesses.
This strategy aims to create vibrant, accessible, and sustainable centres that meet the evolving needs of our growing community, as well as those of local businesses and service providers. The Brighton Activity Centre Strategy will serve as a framework for these important decisions, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of our centres.
Brighton has engaged Geografia and Mesh Planning to complete the Strategy.
Consultation – Survey
Community consultation to input into the drafting of the Strategy has now commenced. We are inviting residents and industry stakeholders (i.e., local businesses and retailers, developers, transport and infrastructure providers etc.) to participate in a survey which can be accessed via the links below.
Community Survey:
This survey is open for anyone who has an interest in activity centres in Brighton, particularly those who frequently visit activity centres in the municipality. It includes people living in Greater Hobart, Southern Tasmania and Brighton LGA.
Industry Stakeholder Survey:
This survey is targeted at commercial property developers, supermarket operations, shopping centre managers, landowners, trader groups, economic development committees and/or advocacy groups with a business interest in Southern Tasmania.
The survey will close on Wednesday the 6th November.
Once we have received feedback from residents, industry stakeholders, government agencies and other interested parties, the consultant will prepare a draft Strategy. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to view the draft and make submissions. Council will consider these submissions and then complete the final Strategy.
Community Pop-Up Sessions: Share Your Ideas!
The Brighton Council’s planning team is excited to invite you to our Community Pop-Up Sessions on Tuesday, October 29th. Join us at three convenient locations as we discuss the future of Brighton’s activity centres and gather your valuable insights.
Where and When:
- Bean to Brew Cafe (Bridgewater): 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Cove Hill Shopping Centre (Bridgewater): 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
- Brighton Bakehouse: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
We’d love for you to stop by, chat with our friendly staff, and share your thoughts on how we can enhance our activity centres for everyone in the community.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Brian White, Strategic Planner, on (03) 6268 7070 or via brian.white@brighton.tas.gov.au
The draft Sorell Street Master Plan arises from strategic assessments such as the Brighton Structure Plan 2018 and the Bridgewater Waterfront Master Plan, which have identified the project area suitable for infill development. Council has engaged Realm Studios to assist it in preparing a draft Master Plan for the Project area, shown in the image below:
Realm Studios have prepared the Sorell Street Options Report for consideration, backed by supporting reports such as Traffic assessment, Aboriginal Heritage assessment and Natural Values. Those documents are available for your reference here:
Sorell Street Options Report – Realm Studios
Traffic Assessment – Hubble Traffic
Aboriginal Heritage Assessment – CHMA
Natural Values Assessment – North Barker
Have Your Say
You are invited to attend a public workshop being held at the Brighton Civic Centre (25 Green Point Road, Bridgewater) on Wednesday 31st July between 3.00pm and 5.00pm.
Please RSVP by Monday 29th July 2024 for catering purposes.
Alternatively, you can review the documents and make a submission until 9th August 2024 by email development@brighton.tas.gov.au
For more information about the project, please contact Jo Blackwell on (03) 6268 7041.
The Brighton Council is investigating the feasibility of a new walking track in the Old Beach area.
The track investigation area is mostly along the River Derwent foreshore with some sections within the St Ann’s Living precinct, East Derwent Highway, Clarries Creek and Blackstone Drive.
A copy of the track investigation area can be downloaded Here from the page of the Council Website.
The investigation area is divided into four (4) stages:
- St Ann’s Living to Compton Road
- Compton Road to Blackstone Drive
- Blackstone Drive to Morrisby Road
- Morrisby Road to Jetty Road/Old Beach pontoon “Ferry Point”
The total length of the investigation area is approximately 3.2km. This includes areas of existing partly formed track. Further details on the project can be downloaded Here
The project is still in the investigation phase only. We have not formalised a design or final location for the track. The intent is to undertake careful planning and stakeholder consultation before a design and final scope of works is determined.
We ask for your feedback on this proposal. Please email your feedback to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
Please respond by the 4.45pm on the 9th August 2024
We will address any concerns or suggestions as part of a report to the Brighton Council.
Once we have your feedback then our intention is to prepare a design and again seek your feedback later this year (2024). This will occur before we make any applications for formal approvals if necessary.
Brighton Council wants to make our community a better place to live, work, and raise families. We have identified some empty spaces in Bridgewater West and want your help to decide what to do with these.
In 2023, there was a report with ideas on how to use empty spaces called the Social Infrastructure Plan, which you can view here on our website. There are four (4) park areas that we think could have better uses. Some ideas were for more houses, playgrounds, gardens, or something sports related, but we really want to know what you think.
These are the parks:
In the coming weeks, we will be in the area to ask you what you think the space could be used for and to see how the space is currently used. This will help us to understand what could happen to make your neighbourhood better.
There will be different ways to tell us what you think:
- We will be in your area and might knock on your door to ask you some questions and have a chat.
- You can ‘Have Your Say’ via an online local community survey here The survey will be open until 6 August 2024.
- Send us an email at admin@brighton.tas.gov.au, send us a letter, or call Elinor on (03) 6268 7000 if you would like help with completing the survey or just to have a chat about the project.
- If you see us spending time in the parks, drop by to have a chat and a drink and snack on us.
We will be sharing what we are learning with you along the way, and you will be able to have your say up until 6th August 2024.
After that, a report on your feedback will be provided to Council, along with some recommendations and there will be another opportunity before the end of the year to let us know your thoughts once everyone’s ideas have been put together.
For more information about the project, please contact Elinor or Kien on (03) 6268 7000.
In 2016, Brighton Council developed a Greening Brighton Strategy. The focus is about increasing vegetation cover in urban areas that will help improve the environment, beautify landscapes for residents and build community resilience to climate change.
This year we have reviewed and updated the strategy, which is now a strategy for 2024-2033. This NEW Greening Brighton Strategy will guide Brighton Council’s efforts to increase the number of trees in Brighton’s streets, parks, and private gardens over the next 10 years.
Download a copy of the New Greening Brighton Strategy here.
With climate change, choosing drought tolerant vegetation is important. The strategy looks at using native vegetation, and proposes suitable plants and activities for different situations:
- Streetscapes
- Nature Strips
- Parks and Gardens
- Urban and New Development
We invite you to view the new strategy and have your say here
Your feedback will help finalise the strategy.
If you prefer, you can also provide feedback by:
- Emailing admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- In writing to Development Services, Brighton Council, 1 Tivoli Rd, Old Beach 7017
Feedback has been extended until 26 July 2024.
A draft of the Brighton Community Volunteer Strategy is now available for community feedback from 23 May to 20 June 2024.
A copy of the draft strategy can be downloaded here:
Draft Brighton Community Volunteer Strategy
In December 2022, a co-design team of community volunteers was formed by open invitation to begin developing the Brighton Community Volunteer Strategy in conjunction with Volunteering Tasmania.
As a result, this draft strategy was developed by the community for the community, directly from the co-creation workshops and community consultation stages.
This strategy will help to ensure volunteering is given the focus it deserves to nurture our volunteer culture and ensure an ongoing supply of volunteers for the future.
Council will need to take a leadership role in implementing and supporting some of the key ideas identified as part of this strategy work.
Council encourages everyone who is interested in volunteering take a look and please let us know if you have anything you would like to add.
You can provide feedback on the Community Volunteer Strategy by:
- Emailing admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- In writing to Community Development, Brighton Council, 1 Tivoli Rd, Old Beach 7017
Submissions close 20 June 2024.
Brighton Council is serious about addressing impacts related to climate change. As part of that, we are looking into the risks of inundation and erosion along the Derwent River.
We are pleased to announce the development of the Coastal Hazards and Risk Assessment report (“report”) as part of the Brighton Council Derwent River Coastal Hazards Project. The reports were developed by SGS Economics and Planning for Brighton Council, funded in part by the Australian Government’s Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream Program.
As part of the community consultation for the project SGS Economics and Planning in conjunction with Brighton Council will be undertaking a public consultation session at the Old Beach Community Hall, 86 Jetty Rd, Old Beach on Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 5.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by emailing development@brighton.tas.gov.au to reserve your place.
Alternatively, you can provide feedback on the report by:
- Using our online submission form here: Community Feedback Form
- Emailing development@brighton.tas.gov.au
- In writing to Brighton Council, 1 Tivoli Rd, Old Beach 7017
Submissions close 21 November 2023.
Your feedback will help us finalise the Community Values Assessment Report.
Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Masterplan
The Bridgewater Bridge Major Project (the Bridge Project) will replace the existing Bridgewater Bridge with four motor vehicle lanes, crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, and connecting ramps with Gunn Street and Old Main Road at the Northern interchange at Bridgewater. The Bridge Project is expected to be constructed by 2025.
The Bridge Project will significantly change the road layout and movement of vehicles and pedestrians in the northern interchange area (in Bridgewater) as it will remove most of the highway traffic, create improved connectivity to Gunn Street, Nielsen Esplanade, and the Derwent River foreshore, and provide for additional public open space.
Strategically located at the junction of residential, industrial and commercial uses, multiple transport modes, and land and water, the precinct becomes a destination in a growing region. Brighton Council has worked with Realm and the Department of State Growth to develop a comprehensive Masterplan for the precinct, referred to as the ‘Bridgewater Waterfront’ within the Masterplan document.
The Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Masterplan
The Bridgewater Bridge Northern Interchange Precinct Masterplan (‘the Masterplan) project area includes the Project Land for the Bridge Project and expands along the foreshore to the east and west, and to eastern side of Sorell Street.
The Masterplan represents a unique opportunity to leverage the Bridgewater Bridge construction to the benefit of the Bridgewater community. The need to drastically improve community uses and accessibility provides the potential to reconsider the precinct.
During the project, it was identified that the Rural Living zoned land to the west of the project land could be rezoned and restructured to provide additional density to support the renewal of Old Main Road. Investigating the rezoning of this area to increase the supply of housing was a recommendation of the Brighton Structure Plan.
Therefore, this land has been considered in the Masterplan.
To ensure the Masterplan serves the current and future communities of Bridgewater, Council has engaged extensively with stakeholders to develop and refine this initial, proposed Masterplan.
Masterplan Endorsed for Public Consultation
The Brighton Council endorsed the Masterplan for community consultation for a period of one (1) month at its meeting on the 15th August.
Final Masterplan Endorsed by Council
At its meeting of the 21st November, the Brighton Council considered the 15 submissions received during the consultation period and endorsed the final Masterplan.
Small changes were made to the Masterplan in response to the submissions received although none were major.
The key issues raised in submissions regarded the possibility of some of the actions causing land use conflict with the rail network. Some additional comments were added to the Master Plan clarifying these matters.
The final Master Plan and related documents can be viewed on Council’s ‘Strategies and Plans’ page via the link below.
If you have any questions about the Master Plan project, please contact Brian White on (03) 6268 7070, or brian.white@brighton.tas.gov.au.
What is Natural Resource Management
We rely on our natural resources to support our economy, for our health and wellbeing, and to support our lifestyles.
Natural Resource Management (NRM) includes looking after our natural assets, caring for our land, soil and waterways, our plants and animals, so they stay healthy and productive.
NRM is about people working together to manage our precious resources, now and into the future.
Brighton’s draft NRM Strategy
Brighton Council has developed a draft Natural Resource Management Strategy to guide how council, community and other stakeholders can work together to sustainably manage Brighton’s natural resources.
The draft NRM Strategy was endorsed for community consultation at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 18th April 2023.
We invite you to view the documents below:
Brighton Council Draft NRM Strategy
Draft NRM Strategy – Appendices
Have your say
You are invited to review the documents and make a submission during the consultation period from 27 April until 17 July 2023.
We value your feedback and it will help finalise the strategy.
If you have any questions please contact mel.fazackerley@derwentcatchment.org
Council is currently undertaking community consultation on the draft Brighton Council Strategic Plan 2023-2033.
A copy of the plan can be downloaded here
The aim of this consultation is to seek community feedback on the draft strategic plan and its key goals and strategies. All feedback received during the consultation period will be considered by Council prior to final adoption of the Strategic Plan 2023-2033.
This review is being undertaken in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
Have Your Say
You are invited to review the strategic plan and make a written submission during the consultation period from 23rd January until 15th March 2023.
You can make your submission online here.
Brighton Social Infrastructure Plan
Community Consultation 2023
Brighton Council endorsed the findings of the Social Infrastructure Plan for community consultation at its December meeting. The Social Infrastructure Plan identifies the gaps and needs for social infrastructure provision across the municipality to 2042.
Social infrastructure includes both open space and recreation, and community and cultural facilities by providing the places and spaces for people to meet, be active, connect, create and learn. It plays an integral part in bringing people together and provides opportunities for individuals, families, and communities to develop life skills; create healthy lifestyles; and to engage socially. Social infrastructure also provides opportunities for all persons to maximise their potential, through diversity in educational, cultural, sporting, social and recreational offerings.
In recent years, rapid population growth has put considerable pressure on social infrastructure across the Brighton municipality, which is projected to be the fastest-growing LGA in Tasmania in percentage terms with an expected population gain of 33.4%, or 5,754 people, by 2042.
The Plan identifies priority actions for the Brighton Council area as a whole as well as on a suburb-by-suburb basis. Key challenges and opportunities identified in the Plan include:
- Young populations and a lack of youth space
- Areas of social disadvantage in the LGA
- Lack of social cohesion between neighbourhoods
- Low activation and vibrancy with limited people centred places
- Rapid population growth and planning for new communities
- Improving existing assets
- Deficit in creative infrastructure and local cultural spaces
- Significant undersupply of GPs living and working in the LGA
Key priority areas for open space and recreation include:
- Expanding the large amount of waterway related open space
- Considering the recreation infrastructure available at school sites
- Limited walkability in some areas, although noting Council’s work in upgrading Brighton’s existing walking and cycling network
- Spaces for informal individualised fitness-based activities
- A diversity of play offerings
- Dog friendly spaces, tennis facilities, and access to an indoor recreation centre
The full report and executive summary can be found here:
Brighton Social Infrastructure Plan_Final Draft 09.12.22
Brighton Social Infrastructure Plan Executive Summary
Have Your Say
You are invited to review the documents and make a written submission during the consultation period from 31st January until 3rd March 2023.
You can make your submission online here.
All submissions received during the consultation period will be considered by Council in making their final decision as to whether to endorse the report’s recommendations or whether the submissions received warrant changes.
For more information about the project, please contact Jo Blackwell on (03) 6268 7028.
Old Beach Zoning Review Report
Community Consultation 2023
The Brighton Council engaged ERA Planning & Environment Consultants (ERA) to undertake the ‘Old Beach Zoning Review Project’.
The purpose of the Project was to analyse two (2) rural residential ‘precincts’ in Old Beach to determine whether they have the necessary conditions to accommodate further residential growth.
The precincts are shown below.
Figure 1 Study Precincts
ERA undertook community engagement in 2022, which found that approximately 48% of respondents in the precincts were open to change. The summary of the engagement is available below under the heading ‘Stage 1 Community Consultation Report – 2022’.
ERA have now concluded their ‘technical analysis’ which included a site analysis and traffic assessment. It found that the precincts have the necessary conditions to accommodate residential growth subject to infrastructure upgrades.
ERA’s key recommendation is for 31.2ha of land in Precinct A to be rezoned ‘General Residential’ and the remainder of land in the precincts rezoned ‘Future Urban’. The General Residential zoned portion of land has the potential to result in approximately 580 additional lots.
The Old Beach Zoning Review Report, Traffic Assessment and an indicative future road layout are available for your reference here:
Old Beach Zoning Review – Report – December 2022
Old Beach Zoning Traffic Assessment
Old Beach Zoning Potential Road Layout
Have Your Say
You are invited to review the documents and make a submission during the consultation period from 23 January until 20 February 2023.
You can make your submission online here:
Council Officers and ERA will report to Council on the submissions received during the exhibition period. Council will then decide whether to endorse ERA’s recommendations.
Any future rezoning of the land will be subject to a separate planning scheme amendment process. This project does not include a rezoning application.
For more information about the project, please contact Brian White at (03) 6268 7070.
Stage 1 – Community Consultation Report – 2022
The initial community engagement aspect of the project concluded in 2022, and ERA prepared summary documents of the key findings. These findings are available here:
Old Beach Zoning Review_ Engagement Summary Report
Old Beach Zoning Review_ Engagement Summary Presentation
Council and ERA would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in the drop-in sessions and surveys for this initial stage of consultation. There was an impressive response rate to the engagement, with 72 responses received from the 104 properties in the study area.
The Brighton Local Government Area (LGA) is one of the fastest growing areas in Tasmania. By 2033, Brighton LGA is expected to grow by over 7,000 people. Old Beach and its surrounding areas are growing at a rate of 3.5% per annum and by 2033, is predicted to grow by approximately 3,000 people.
In 2018, the Brighton Structure Plan (structure plan) identified that the current supply of zoned residential land is unlikely to meet anticipated demand for new housing over the next 10 to 15 years. As a result, the structure plan examined potential sites across the LGA that may be suitable for further residential growth. Two of these sites are located in the Old Beach area and are shown below in Figure 1 as Precinct A and Precinct B (the precincts). These precincts are currently zoned ‘Rural Living’ and are characterised by dwellings on larger lots than in suburban areas.
Council would like to understand the community’s views on further residential growth in these precincts. If it is found that the precincts can accommodate residential growth, Council may look at changing the planning controls in the area to allow for additional housing through such things as rezoning or reducing minimum lot sizes or minimum areas for dwellings.
Figure 1 – Zoning review precincts
Stakeholder Consultation
The Brighton Industrial Estate Brand & Place Strategy , endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 15 December 2020 defined practical actions to reposition the Brighton Hub (formerly known as the Brighton Industrial Estate) as an attractive prospect for future investors and to support growth.
A key action to make the hub more open and welcoming, is to enhance the entry experience through better amenity, landscaping, and wayfinding.
To implement this action, Council engaged Playstreet Urban Design and collaborated with other stakeholders to develop a master plan and landscape framework for the gateway/entrance to the Brighton Hub. The master plan gives an idea of the desired layout for this gateway and identifies priorities and opportunities to improve amenity, landscaping, and pedestrian access. The landscape framework provides a more detailed description of how to achieve this.
These documents have been endorsed by Council and are available for public consultation until 24 October 2022. You can view them here:
Brighton Hub Gateway – Master plan
Brighton Hub Gateway – Landscape framework
Have your say
Please let us know your thoughts using the following link: Stakeholder Feedback Form – Brighton Hub Gateway
Submissions via the feedback form close on 24 October 2022.
Please remember that the draft master plan and landscape framework are aspirational documents. Provided that no significant amendments are required following public consultation, the development of the gateway/entrance is likely to be staged over several years.
What’s going on?
This is a Brighton Council street tree planting project in partnership with the Material Institute (MONA). The tree planting is in line with Council’s Greening Strategy and is connected to the master plan for the Bridgewater playground area. It will be planted in two phases:
Phase 1 – Along Eddington street in June this year.
Phase 2 – Along the road next to the playground, with works planned next financial year.
Why are we doing this?
The trees are kindly donated by Material Institute to support community connections to the natural environment, encourage more children in nature-based play, and build a more climate-resilient environment.
We have chosen to plant small native evergreen gum trees that grow up to 6 metres and bloom with red, pink, or orange flowers in the spring. The location of the trees has been outlined in the following diagram:
These tree species have been chosen because of their tolerance to pests and diseases and adaptability to the soils in the area e.g. Eucalyptus Euky Dwarf
Have your say
Please let us know your thoughts using the following link: Community Feedback Form – Eddington Street
If you have any questions regarding our tree planting plan, please contact Kelly Min at (03) 6268 7022 or email: Kelly.Min@brighton.tas.gov.au.
The community consultation period on the South Brighton Master Plan identified that there were several improvements, or items requiring further investigation for the draft Master Plan. Twenty-two actions were generated from the feedback, which Council and the project consultants have been working on over the last few months.
Since May 2022, Council and the consultant team have been working on preparing the Final Draft South Brighton Master Plan.
A response to each of the 22 action items identified is also available here: Actions from Community Engagement.
What’s next?
Council now hopes to finalise a planning scheme amendment to have the land rezoned so that the Master Plan can be delivered. This process will include a further opportunity to provide submissions about the Master Plan and an opportunity for those with concerns to attend hearings with the Tasmanian Planning Commission.
How can I find out more?
If you would like to hear more about the Master Plan and the next steps, Council will be hosting a public meeting at 5pm on Wednesday 28 September at the Brighton Bowls Club, 212 Brighton Road, Brighton. The public meeting will include a short presentation and an opportunity to ask questions.
Alternatively you can contact David Allingham on 6268 7021 or development@brighton.tas.gov.au.
Community Engagement Summary
Council undertook community consultation on the Draft South Brighton Master Plan in November 2021. The community participated in the engagement as follows:
- 17 submissions were received via an online form;
- 9 submissions were received via email;
- 14 people attended the “drop-in session”;
- 5 one-on-one meetings with Council staff.
The “South Brighton Master Plan – Community Engagement Summary” has been prepared to provide an overview of the feedback of the responses received through the engagement.
South Brighton Master Plan – Comunity Engagement Summary
The consultation has identified that there are several improvements, or items requiring further investigation, that could be made to the draft master plan. Twenty-two (22) actions have been generated from the feedback which Council and the project consultants are committed to addressing. This will likely result in an amended layout for the Master Plan.
Council intends to engage further with affected property owners as the master plan is refined.
Background Information
Brighton Council in partnership with the Department of Education engaged GHD to prepare a concept South Brighton Development Precinct Master Plan (the “Master Plan”). Several background reports were prepared to inform the development of the Master Plan.
The initial Draft South Brighton Master Plan that was released for the community consultation phase in November 2021 is available here:
South Brighton Master Plan – Map
Additional background information about the Draft Master Plan is also provided here:
South Brighton Master Plan – Frequently Asked Questions
South Brighton – Master Plan – Infrastructure Assessment – December 2020
South Brighton Market Assessment – August 2021
South Brighton – Natural Values Assessment – March 2020
The 12 Southern Tasmanian Councils have identified the need to establish a Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority (STRWA).
The purpose of the STRWA is to coordinate local government’s resource recovery and management of solid waste in the southern region for a more sustainable future.
The objectives of the STRWA are to:
- Foster sustainable use of resources
- Deliver efficient collection and reprocessing of resources
- Support opportunities for the circular economy to reduce environmental impact and grow Tasmania’s economy
- Provide a collective voice for member councils on the circular economy, resource recovery and waste management
Why do we need a new authority?
The current and emerging circumstances in the waste sector present a unique opportunity for the creation of a new body. These include the introduction of a state waste levy, Container Refund Scheme, and other waste related policies and programs at Federal, State, and Local government level.
This body will bring together the 12 southern councils to provide a direct link to the state government in relation to:
- collaborations and funding opportunities in the waste sector
- coordinated responses
- providing a formal structure to coordinate regional tenders and projects across the region
- improving the ability to secure funding through the waste levy
The first priority, and major basis for creating the authority, is the management of the recycling contract for the 12 southern councils.
All 12 councils have resolved to implement this authority. A set of draft rules has been developed to underpin the establishment and ongoing operation of the authority. These draft rules address issues such as purpose, functions and powers, membership, and board composition, appointment and terms.
Have your say
As part of the Notice of Intent process to create the authority, the community are invited to provide feedback. We encourage you to read the draft rules available in the Documents section.
Hobart City Council is collecting feedback on behalf of the 12 Southern Tasmania Councils. You can provide your submission document in one of the following ways:
Upload your submission online HERE
Post your submission to:
City of Hobart
Hobart TAS 7001
Hand deliver your submission to:
Hobart Town Hall
50 Macquarie Street
Hobart TAS 7000
Submissions should be addressed to the City of Hobart CEO Kelly Grigsby. Submissions close 17 April 2022.
Brighton Council has prepared a Master Plan for Ted Jeffries Memorial Park (Seymour Street) which provides a 15-year vision for the area.
The Master Plan is available for you to view here:
Seymour Street Park Master Plan
Submissions can be made using this online form:
Alternatively written submissions can be sent to development@brighton.tas.gov.au
The Master Plan includes:
- A new soccer precinct, which includes 2 x full-size soccer pitches with lighting, relocation of the existing junior pitches, shared clubroom facility and entrance plaza.
- New car parking and bus stop area.
- Extension and upgrade of existing playground and picnic facilities.
- New youth facility including skate park, outdoor courts, and event space.
- Fenced dog park.
- Improved landscaping and additional tree planting.
Council is now seeking feedback on the Master Plan.
Submissions on the Draft Master Plan will be open until Friday 17 December.
If you would like to discuss the Master Plan, please contact Callum Pearce-Rasmussen or David Allingham on admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or 6268 7000.
A draft policy on Residential Use in the Agriculture Zone has been prepared to guide assessment of residential use in the agriculture zone against the Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Brighton.
The policy will apply to:
- Assessment of all new development applications for residential use in the Agriculture Zone as mapped in the Planning Scheme.
- Compliance with all existing planning permits that approve residential use in the Agriculture Zone on the condition that it is to support an ongoing agricultural use.
The policy sets out the minimum information required to support an application for residential use on agricultural land.
We would appreciate your feedback. Please use the following link to view the draft Policy: Draft Policy – Residential Use in the Agriculture Zone
Please use the following form to provide your feedback on the draft policy:
Alternatively, please send email submissions to development@brighton.tas.gov.au
Submissions on the draft policy will be open until Friday 19 November.
Brighton Council gives notice of its intention to review the Mobile Food Vendor Policy.
The main policy changes relate to:
- Approved locations
- Inclusion of single use fees (to a maximum of 3)
A copy of the draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy, is available to the public for comment from 1st August 2021 to 21st August 2021 as follows:
- Download the policy and declared areas here: Draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy – August 2021
- Email: admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Phone: (03) 6268 7000
Please submit your feedback by 21st August 2021 via:
- Online feedback form here: Community Feedback Form
- Email: admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Mail c/o the General Manager, 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach 7017
A draft Master Plan has been prepared for Cris Fitzparick Park to make it safer, more accessible and attractive for the community.
The draft Master Plan has been prepared by Inspiring Place and incorporates the feedback from over 160 residents captured through a community survey and discussions with kids and parents at Bond Place towards the end of last year.
We would love your feedback. Please use the following link to view the draft Master Plan documents and to submit a community feedback form.
Community Feedback Form – Cris Fitzpatrick Park
Submissions via the feedback form close 16 April 2021.
Please keep in mind the draft Master Plan is an aspirational plan that is likely to take 10 to 20 years to deliver in numerous stages.
It’s anticipated that Stage 1 will be delivered within 3-5 years and consist of:
- Double steel flying fox
- Water play
- Pedestrian paths
- Informal nature play features, such as mounds and “boulder hop”
- Fencing
- Light fittings
- Picnic shelters
- Landscaping including expansion of existing orchard
Brighton Council is planning to introduce a FOGO service in 2021 and is seeking residents’ and ratepayers’ thoughts before proceeding. We are very interested in your views.
To support a thriving community now and into the future, it is critical that we manage our waste efficiently and sustainably. Your input will help inform Council on how our waste is managed into the future.
The survey is open for you to complete from 9 to 30 March, 2021 using the following link: Community Survey – FOGO
The survey questionnaire will provide you with information on FOGO as you progress through the questions and the opportunity to record any questions you may have. This will help us shape the information we provide to you on FOGO throughout the year.
For those unable to lodge feedback online using the link provided, please email admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or phone (03) 6268 7000 to obtain a copy of the questionnaire.
Pursuant to section 24 of the Dog Control Act 2000 (the Act), Brighton Council gives notice of its intention to declare the following area prohibited to dogs at all times.
- Childs Drive Park, Old Beach – Dogs are prohibited from entering at all times. A person must not take a dog into this area.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 16 February 2021, Council endorsed this as the only amendment to the previously advertised zonings for areas to be declared.
This amendment to Childs Drive Park, Old Beach is open for public comment from 1 March to 19 March 2021.
Please submit your feedback by 19 March 2021 using the following link:
Feedback Form – Amendment – Intention to Declare Areas
Submissions can also be made via:
- Email to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Mail c/o the General Manager, 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach 7017
James Dryburgh,
Council Offices
1 Tivoli Road
Old Beach, TAS 7017
T: (03) 6268 7000
E: admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
Pursuant to section 24 of the Dog Control Act 2000 (the Act), Brighton Council gives notice of its intention to declare the following areas:
• Old Beach Dog Park, Jetty Road, Old Beach.
• Bridgewater Parkland Dog Park, Gunn Street end, Bridgewater (to be constructed).
• Seymour Street Dog Park, Brighton (to be constructed).
• Childs Drive Park, Old Beach.
• Old Beach Foreshore Walking Track, Old Beach.
• Bridgewater Foreshore Walking Track, Bridgewater.
• Riverside Drive Walking Track, Bridgewater.
• Ford Road to Andrew Street Walking Track (Polonia Bridge), Brighton.
• Pontville Walking Track, Brighton Road to Hartley Court, Pontville.
• All sports grounds and playing fields are prohibited to dogs at all times.
• Pontville Park Dog Arena, Pontville.
• Greyhound Training Area, behind Seymour Street Park, Brighton.
A copy of the draft Dog Management Policy, which includes the proposed declared areas is available to the public for comment from 30 November to 18 December 2020 as follows:
- Download the draft policy and declared areas here.
- Email – admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Phone – (03) 6268 7000
Please submit your feedback by 18 December 2020 via:
- The electronic feedback form is available by clicking here
- Email to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Mail c/o the General Manager, 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach 7017
James Dryburgh,
A master plan is being prepared for Council to improve the ‘look and feel’ of the Cris Fitzpatrick Park. This includes access to and within the park facilities, amenity and safety.
Your thoughts will help us with the plan.
Brighton Council is developing a new Placemaking & Brand Strategy for Brighton Industrial Estate.
We are seeking feedback from the people who know and use the Estate to help us shape a fresh new vision that will underpin the new Placemaking & Brand Strategy and guide future improvements. What is your current and aspirational experience of the site? Share your views below.
Please take the survey here
Have your say on the management of dogs in our community. Brighton Council’s review of the Dog Management Policy is open for feedback from 3 July to 24 July, 2020.
You can submit your feedback online here.
Whether you own a pet or not, your opinion is important in shaping our community and encouraging responsible dog ownership.
Click here for a copy of the current Dog Management Policy for your reference.
The review of the Dog Management Policy is undertaken in accordance with Section 7 of the Dog Control Act 2000. The Policy includes:
- A code relating to responsible ownership of dogs;
- The provision of declared areas including off lead, training, prohibited and restricted areas;
- A fee structure; and
- Any other relevant matter.
Should you have any questions about providing feedback please email admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or phone (03) 6268 7000.
For those unable to lodge feedback online using the link provided please:
- Email feedback to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Mail C/- the General Manager, Brighton Council, 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach 7017.
A copy of the notice that appeared in The Mercury newspaper 2 July 2020 can be found here.
Brighton Council is looking to upgrade provisions for the operation of food vans in the municipality and has approved a draft policy for mobile food vendors. Council is now seeking input from the public.
Submissions and comments can be lodged between 3 July to 24 July, 2020.
You can submit your feedback online here
For further information you can:
- Download Council’s Community Consultation Fact Sheet here.
- Access a full copy of the Draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy here.
Should you have any questions about providing feedback please email admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or phone (03) 6268 7000.
For those unable to lodge feedback online using the link provided please:
- Email feedback to admin@brighton.tas.gov.au
- Mail C/- the General Manager, Brighton Council, 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach 7017.
An overview of the key findings and insights can be found here.