Planning & Development

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Planning in the rapidly growing municipality of Brighton is vital. It ensures the orderly and sustainable development of housing, business and community services and infrastructure, and allows the community to provide input into land management and how the social identity of the municipality develops.

Brighton Council is responsible for statutory and strategic land use and development, including the assessment of applications for use and development under the The Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Brighton (the ‘Scheme’). The Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Brighton is made up of the State Planning Provisions (SPP’s) and a Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) for each council area.

State Planning Provisions

Brighton Local Provisions Schedule

Longer-term strategic planning for sustainable land-use within the municipality is guided by a range of strategic land use documents and implemented through zones (for example, residential, industrial, commercial, rural etc). The zone that applies to a particular area of land then defines and guides what use and development is possible on it.

A guide to the Tasmanian planning system can be found here.

Applications that are currently being advertised can be found here.

Download an Application for Planning Approval Form here.

Download a s56 Request for Minor Amendment Form here.

Land use planning in the Brighton municipality is regulated by the Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Brighton. * When using this link please ensure you have clicked on the book icon in the menu bar above the main viewing pane.

You may view planning scheme zoning and overlay maps for any property using the property enquiry tool on the PlanBuild Tasmania website.

Please contact Development Services on (03) 6268 7041 or if you have any queries.

If you want to undertake works on your property whether it is removing trees, putting up a shed, building a deck or an extension, you need to give us a call first to check what requirements, if any, exist. We will happily give you an overview of the relevant planning considerations and process.

You can download an Application for Planning Approval form HERE, noting the checklist of supporting documents required on page 3.

This form is to be completed in order to make an application to undertake private works in the public road reserve – this includes driveway works. Council has powers under the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982 regarding construction or repair of vehicle accesses.

Works Permit Application Form

No works are to commence within the road reserve until the applicant has paid the prescribed fee as per Brighton Councils Fees and Charges schedule and received a signed permit from Council.

This form must be submitted via email to or presented to the Council Offices


Changes to the planning and building requirements governing Airbnb and other short stay visitor accommodation are now a state-wide directive. Information can be found on the State Government’s Planning Reform website.

Please contact Development Services on (03) 6268 7041 or if you have any queries.

Click on the below link to see the latest fees & charge:

Fees & Charges